my profile

Hi!, I am Mohit Pandey

Python / Django Developer

I'm Data Science Enthusiast & Software Developer

A Python Developer

A Django Developer

A FlaskDeveloper

An interactive developer with the passion for creativity

About Me

About Me I'm a Python Developer

Hi!, I am Mohit Pandey, I have 2.2 years of IT experience with E-commerce platform, Web Development, Data visualization, and New Techonologies.
JOB RELATED SKILLS:currently working on Python, Django, flask, jinja , Django Rest framework, postgres, mongodb and Having Skills in : 1-Data Science [numpy,matplotlib,pandas,scrapy...etc], 2-NLTK, 3-Machine Learning- supervised learning [ Regression, Classification, etc] 4-Real time object detection using tensor flow. 5-Node js,Express js,HTML5,CSS3 beginner in AI/ML. work in a team with Agile methodology.